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What I've been up to...

2019 highlights (so far...)


Attendant was accepted into the Hoboken International Film Festival, which will be hosted in Greenwood Lake, NY this year.  We'll be screening on May 19th! Can't wait to see this movie again! and so close to home!

Just wrapped the short film, Late, with No a Fence Productions in mid-April.  It's a really lovely comedy and I am the female lead. Can't wait to see a rough cut!

Attendant will have its Florida premiere at the end of April in at the Sunscreen Film Festival in St. Pete, Florida. Can't wait to share more info!

I'm an associate producer on the indie horror feature It Cuts Deep, written and directed by Nick Santos. Shot in beautiful and cold Cape Cod in February and will hopefully have its premiere this winter! Always an incredible experience to spend time on set with a fantastic team assembled by Kristy Richman (Producer) and Nick Santos. 


Attendant was accepted to the Garden State Film Festival where it will have its East Coast premiere on Saturday, March 30th at the House of Independents in Asbury Park, NJ. It will be in the 1:50pm block. Thrilled to have this short screen in my home state. #jerseygirl


2018 highlights:

Was up in Maine for a number of months working on Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night as Kathleen and Eileen Atkin's Vita & Virginia. I was Vita Sackville-West and that production got me my Equity card! Now a proud member of AEA! 

Also, always a blast to use and continue to hone my Irish and British accents!

Attendant was accepted into the Sunscreen Film Festival West in beautiful Hermosa Beach. It was our world premiere but not only that, Attendant was awarded Best Short, Best Actress (that would be me) and Mark Stetson received a Best Director nomination. 

Was the Narrator in the Staged Reading of Jasper by Grant McDermott as part of the TRU reading series. Can't wait to see where this phenomenal play goes!

2017 highlights:

Booked and shot a commercial at Giants Stadium for Kettle Chips!!

Booked and shot a commercial at Yankee Stadium for WIX. ;)

Was up in Maine to work on a beautiful production of The Cherry Orchard in the most stunning locale one can imagine. Got to work on my German accent, learn ventriloquism and some magic tricks. It was a grand time. Danke!

Zicam spot got renewed! Woo hoo Achoo!


Played Heidi Cruz in The Soup Play at Dixon Place. The closest I ever want to get to being married to Ted Cruz is when he being played by an actor who doesn't share any of his ideologies!

2016 highlights:

Booked and shot a commercial for Zicam! Sneezing like a champ!

Played Lisbet in the Staged Reading of the new musical, Trivøya Gold, by Alana Jacoby and Scotty Arnold. It's about a team of curlers who have the opportunity to curl in the Olympics for their nation's independence. It's brilliant and delightful. 

2015 highlights:

Booked and shot an episode of The Characters on Netflix. It was Paul W. Downs episode. He and Lucia and wonderful geniuses. 

Booked and shot an episode of I Love You...But I Lied on LIfetime. And it was mostly improvised. Always fun to use some of my improv skills on set!

Shot Attendant overnight in a bathroom in NYC. It was a beautiful, beautiful dream and blur. Can't wait to share it with you all!

2014 highlights:

Booked and shot a commercial for JCB, the credit card company!


 - Will be starring in the short film, Attendant, which will be filming in January.  Super excited!


 - Fantastic shows with & Robin are happening weekly at Super Free Monday at The PIT!


 - On October 30th, will be performing in a new scripted episode of The Twilight Zone as a part of We Love TV at The PIT!


 - Officially a Triathlete!! Competed and completed my first triathlon, the NYC triathlon, in August.


 - Final show of the original Barcelona '92 due to half of the team leaving New York. Though there will still be B '92 shows in the city.


 - Now on House Team & Robin - new and wonderfully talented improvisers. Come check us out every Monday night at 8pm!


 - Cast in and shot an industrial for Novartis Pharmaceuticals


 - Performed the role of Nina in The Nina Variations to several sold out houses. It was an absolutely wonderful show. 

 - Placed on House Team, Barcelona '92, at The People's Improv Theater - we perform every Monday night in the PIT Underground ay 8pm


2013 highlights:

 - Cast as Nina in The Nina Variations at The Bridge Theatre


 - Started working with Jillian Hassett and Laura Hearn of Prestige Management Group

- Cast in So(m)domite: The Loves of Oscar Wilde as Constance Wilde, his wife. in the Thespis Theater Festival at the Cabrini Repertory Theater. Yup, he was married. And we made it to the final round of the festival.

- Recorded VO demo with Fiona Jones & Jon Ecklund. Really happy with the session. Can't wait to hear the final product.

- Invited to Join a new 10,000 hours team, Yearbook Committee,  at The PIT!

- Began rehearsals as Eleanor in Residue for the Secret Theatre's One Act Festival. 


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